Sunday, January 29, 2012

3D Paper Weaving

3D Paper Weaving
We made these awesome three-dimensional paper weavings in my special ed art class.  Most kids finished the wide strips in one day, but several needed a little time the second day to finish up.  Everyone was able to finish weaving in the skinny and accordion-folded strips the second day!
The white grid has 2 inch squares, and is glued to a 12 inch square of black paper.
Each kid chose two colors to weave.  Each strip of paper is 2 inches wide and 9 inches long.  To help the sped kids, I pre-cut the paper to 9 by 8 inches, and drew lines for them to cut along 2 inches apart.

Here are my hand-drawn directions for gluing the first color.

Glue all the strips for the first color (blue) horizontally.  Glue all the strips for the second color (green) by weaving them into the first color.  The skinny red strips (some are accordion folded) were woven in the next day.

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